Deliver. Empower. Transform.

Global Need
Each year, more than 450 million children under the age of 5 go without access to basic, life-saving surgical care.

An estimated 17 million lives are lost annually from conditions requiring surgical care, 5x greater than the death toll from HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria combined.

Without investment in surgical care, low- and middle-income countries face an estimated US $12.3 trillion in lost GDP.


To elevate the human condition by enabling the sustainable transformation of access to advanced pediatric healthcare.

Our Vision

To increase impact by empowering the global community's sustainable access to advanced pediatric healthcare.

Our Vision

To increase impact by empowering the global community's sustainable access to advanced pediatric healthcare.

Our Mission

To heal more children, in less time, by transforming access to advanced pediatric healthcare.

World Pediatrics partners with governments, health workers, and organizations to ensure that children in lower-resource settings have access to safe, timely surgical care. When children are healed, the social and emotional health of families is restored, and the economic productivity of communities is strengthened.