Latin America Region

0 +

Children Served in
the Region*

$ 0 M+

Medical Services Delivered**


Access to specialized pediatric healthcare in Latin America continues to be a challenge for low- and middle-income families, which represent a significant portion of the population.

World Pediatrics works closely with local physicians and hospital partners throughout the region to help close gaps in access to advanced pediatric healthcare services and provide capacity-building and training opportunities to local medical providers.

World Pediatrics programs in the region are designed to address specific barriers to specialized pediatric care, such as geographic accessibility, the financial burden of surgical care, insufficient pediatric specialists per population, and difficulty accessing specialized medical supplies, among the most common.


Latin America Region

Regional Staff
0 +
Medical Subspecialties
Hospital Partners
0 +
Annual Traveling Medical Teams
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- Hospital Maria (Honduras) Project to Expand Cardiac Care Capacity

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- Surgical Program Specialties: Cardiac, Craniofacial, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Plastic surgery, Spine, Urology surgical program
- Diagnostic and Treatment Programs: Nephrology, Orthotics, Spina Bifida
- Regional Referral Program
- International Referral Program

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- Surgical Sponsorships
- Echocardiogram Training Program
- Neurosurgical Training Program - NICU Training Program

Contact the Latin America Region

Governmental Partners

Institutional Partners: